Sunday, September 11, 2016

Funny Freckled Frog Face Tutorial- Green {Ff} Week

We had such fun putting a funny freckled-face frog together for our Green Week Day. His blow-tongue was so fun. The children squealed! “Freckles! Don’t forget the freckles!”

 Each child couldn’t make his frog fast enough to receive a tongue! They were so excited! I thought the whole room would explode as we watched 24 fly-catching tongues flipping and flying in every direction! There are days when I wish all the parents could be a spot on the wall just to witness such fun times in action. This was one of those. We also sang about speckled frogs on specked logs and read a fun story about catching a fly.

Watch the funny freckled frog face making video here!

The children are doing so well cutting on a line. I am most impressed with how so many of them have really improved since the first day of school. I hardly had to say, “Stay on the line!” I hope you noticed your child’s cutting and gluing abilities. Each project was completed solely by them, well except for the hot glue on the stick, but I am loving what I am seeing!

Funny Freckled Frog Face Tutorial 

 We began our day by having each child cut out all their pieces. They should each have two eye balls, a "banana" shaped mouth, two yellow eye sockets, and a green frog face to cut. Whether you choose to draw your own, or use the PDF files below, be sure to include a hole in the face for the blow tongue to stick through! That's the best part!!

Once they had the pieces cut out we moved on to the gluing part! We love to teach the children about using little tiny dots and not big gluey lakes! Begin with the yellow pieces as shown below.

From here we continued to the white eyes! We had fun doing a whole run through with instructions first, and seeing where the class would decide how to put their frog faces together. 

Finally, we finished off with the freckles. Don't forget the freckles!! For these we simply had white hole punch dots. Remember the tiny glue dots, not gluey lakes! It's so fun to watch them practice this.

  We finished our faces by practicing writing their names on the back and gluing a paint stick so each child could hold their face. The tongues can be found at most dollar or party stores. Have fun watching them use their "sticky" blow tongues to catch all the silly flies in the room. What fun!

Are you a preschool teacher or a mom of tots? We'd love to see how you used our green week project! Leave your comments or fun pictures below!

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