Tuesday, April 10, 2018

{Qq} Week

Letter Q was quite a lot of fun. We colored our craziest to make a crazy queen. Kohl said, “I’m coloring like a chicken lico!”  Mrs. Walters asked, “What does your crazy queen eat?” Hendrix said, “My computer!” Madden said, “Fish sticks! I love fish sticks because they have chicken inside!” 

The next day, we made a beautiful queen and sewed up an AB patterned quilt. I suggested after making the quilt and coloring the queen so beautifully, that they put her to bed, laying their quilt over her for a quiet sleep and kiss her good night. Cannon said, “I don’t want to kiss her. That would be gross! I’m going to sing her a song. My dad gives me scratches and songs!” I asked him later what song he sang. “ABCD!” Adorable!

Our reading games continue to inspire great imagination for team titles and improve our reading skills. The Bad Apples lost to the “Dinosaries”, The Quails beat the Queens, The Mermaids beat The Smiley Faces and the Fires beat the Spy-pers. Mrs. Walters has been doing letter drills on the side for some that need more practice, improving where we can. She is wonderful and this is really helping to get them into reading folders. We are thrilled with everyone’s progress. There will be lots of prizes for our readers.

During a tub time “shootout”, I suggested, “Boys! Build something instead of guns.” Hendrix quickly explained, “This is a rocket that shoots!” Ha!

We are coming to the end of our Show-N-Tell by the end of this month. We will be spending time practicing songs for our Mother’s Day/Graduation Program to be on May 16th. Mark your calendars. It will be a memorable event and the culmination of our success for the school year. 

Keep reading. Our reading cutoff date for book totals will be May 3rd, when we will collect all reading folders to tally winners.
These last months always close like a freight train. The days are passing much too quickly. We want to hold on to these moments forever. We have grown to love and cherish each one. We have come so far together and enjoyed the adorable things we have both seen and heard. Each child has stolen a place in my heart forever.

Mrs. McClure
Mrs. Walters

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