Thursday, October 31, 2019

Halloween Festivities All of October

The children were adorable in their costumes. I explained to Zacharias that we were making a skeleton head today. “It’s called a skull. Have you heard of a skull before?” “Yeah,” he said. “It’s in my dream I had last night.” What??? Crazy! And when we were cutting the heart shaped nose out for the skull, Zion added, “My heart is dead. I got a new one from Heavenly Father, but my heart is dead!” Those brothers crack me up!

Brooks announced, “It’s my party ‘cause I have the treats!” Eli, keeping it real, “We all have treats!” Cannon’s reaction to our Potato Head costumes was great. “Ha ha! I’ve watched a lot of potato stories!” The children loved the trick-or-treat game, filling their bags and taking a turn inside the houses to pass their candies out. Thank you for coming to the parade. Your presence was so appreciated, especially by the children. I loved hearing them sing their Halloween songs. Eli always seems to keep it fun for us. When I assumed everyone was too tired to sing another, he refused to stop, leading out with another and then another. How I love that fun kid that infects us all! He keeps it fresh and new! Many thanks to Miss Christi, for capturing it all on film!

We read the story, PJ Goes Camping. In it, PJ refuses to take his little sister and friend, insisting, “Camping is not for girls!” As I read those words, the girls’ protested! And Sherry said, “Girls can go camping!” Addy said, “My mom goes camping!” And then, the debate began… Tommy said, “My mom is afraid of camping!” Brooks added, “Yeah! Camping is for boys!” In the end, the debate was settled in the story when the girls pretended to be ghosts and scared the boys, causing them to run all the way home. Ha! Fun discussion! I love when the children offer their opinions! I rock back and take it all in with a big smile! I always remind myself how fortunate I am to be a part of this. Regardless of how I try to tell it all, I can never truly begin to describe our precious time together. We found lots of letter P words and the pirate and pumpkin stories were fun, too.





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