Green week was so great! Letter Ff was fffun to sound out and we also learned the number 9 poem. We twirled around in our green clothes, spelled and sang all about green and then named everything we could think of that was green. Dani even showed us her green underwear, proof of wearing green so she could line up ahead of others. Too funny! The third day to name green things, Lilly said, “Toes!” No! Toes does not begin with F. Then, someone said, “Feet!” Lilly perked up, “See! I told you it was toes!” Ha ha!
Green Poem:
G-R-E-E-N spells GREEN!
Green like a frog {ribbet!}
Green like a tree.
G-R-E-E-N spells GREEN!
Just like broccoli.
G-R-E-E-N spells GREEN!
Green like a frog {ribbet!}
Green like a tree.
G-R-E-E-N spells GREEN!
Just like broccoli.
The children had a ball after making the stick frog on Monday. The blow-tongues were non-stop! Navy Eaton was so fun. She giggled and laughed every time she blew her frog’s tongue! We did too!
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See the funny freckled frog tutorial here! |
The rainbow fish was a very fun project as well. The children had a great time gluing the colorful fan-scales on and adorning them with sequins. The room was almost quiet as each child fussed over their fish deciding where to put the next scale or sequin. Very fun!
Thursday, we read the story of The Old Woman Who Swallowed a Fly. The children drew pictures of what they would swallow if they were the old woman. I don’t know which picture was more fun, Jace’s amazing car or Cannon’s mac & cheese! We laughed and laughed at every one.
We played the candy game and named lots of color words, letters with sounds, numbers with poems, and shapes, too. The children are getting very proficient at all of these things, especially when it comes to getting a candy tossed with the correct answer. We love that game!
Que has grown quite fond of Miss Julie. Yesterday, he called out to her, “Hey, Miss Julie!” and then, he sent his best and biggest wink her way with his winning smile! Ah, that Miss Julie. Everyone loves her! But, you know, it’s hardly fair that Miss Julie gets all the good jobs. She gets to sing, “You have a candy day! La, la, la, la, la, lah!” and then, offers up the candy jar! She smiles and warmly, welcomes the children from their car! She gives them stamps and lays the treats out for them in line each day! No wonder they love her so much! I get to tell them, “Go wash your hands!” Don’t eat your clothes!” “Use your inside voice!” “Push your chair in!” “Sit down!” Stand up!” Don’t forget to close your glue!” I could go on and on! I have to give them 5 times as many affirmations, just to keep them from loathing me! Sheesh! Ha ha! But seriously, we do love our Miss Julie! What would we do without her??? I am very, very thankful for her.
Hey! It would be a great idea to review the letters we have learned thus far in our book, Rhett and The Alphabet. We have learned Oo, Cc, Gg, Aa, Pp, and Ff. We will soon be shedding the shape and color cards and use only the letters. We will also soon be playing, Guess the letter by it’s story and the sound it makes, asking the winner to take a turn at it. We hope that by playing these games and familiarizing the children with the letter stories, they will all be ready to jump into reading by January. That’s our plan. Your help at home is invaluable! Next week, we will be learning letter Tt.
Next week is Brown Week. It will be our last color week and our final number 10, as we move into the holidays. We will not be having Show-N-Tell after Thanksgiving to make time for Christmas songs and dances to prepare for our program. We will then, resume Show-N-Tell after Christmas when we all return back to school, Girls, always on Monday, Boys on Wednesday.
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